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Review: I'm Naturally Beautiful

"I'm Naturally Beautiful" is a story book about black little girls being naturally beautiful. The book teaches black girls to just be themselves and to be comfortable in their skin. I like "I'm Naturally Beautiful" because it has pictures of beautiful little black girls who look just like me. I also like the book because the story can encourage black girls to love themselves just as they are.


About the book:

This story was born out of necessity. I love reading to my daughter and I’m constantly scouring bookstores to find great stories to read to her. I grew increasingly frustrated with the selection available. It seemed impossible to find books and stories that reflected my child and my values. I could not find books with people that looked like her, with skin, eyes and smiles like hers. Through my own journey, I have come to understand how important it is to find yourself in stories, so I decided to create stories and illustrations that resonated with my daughter.

This first book in a series of children’s book I am writing is called, I’m Naturally Beautiful and was inspired by my two year old Nubian princess. The premise of this book is to first unapologetically assert that black is beautiful. It is also to teach little girls of color to be comfortable in their own skin and not conform to the beauty standards set by the media. This book is also to inspire black and brown girls that the creator makes no mistakes and they can have big dreams and accomplish milestones beyond their highest imagination.

I am sure that parents and educators alike, will find that this story deeply resonates and aligns with the spirit of every little African girl that receives it.

The book is now available for purchase on and coming soon at a bookstore near you. I’m looking forward to your support and feedback.

much love beautiful Black people…

About the author: Jerod Simon

Black. King. Artist. Self identification in that order. Every moment and encounter is experienced through these prisms.

I was born a lion in the harsh and beautiful jungle of Miami, Florida. I am grateful to be blessed with the tenacity needed to navigate and survive this existence thus far. I am an artist who enjoys every aspect of creativity. Words are my first weapon of choice as it comes to me more naturally than any anything else in nature. I have loved and massaged words together before I understood the meaning of words. The reaction I received from people even at the young age of 5, made me realize words were my gift. I have nurtured it since then and continue to share it with the world. I also love being creative with food and I share my culinary passions through my food catering business.

I have, like most of you, been through some extremely joyful and extremely painful moments. Life has been my classroom, my experiences have been my greatest teachers and my writings have been my sacred outlet. I relentlessly seek knowledge and welcome every opportunity for growth and elevation of my higher being. My driving force for all my art is my desire to help people grow and flourish. I am OBSESSED with finding ways to inspire and teach our beautiful black Queens and Kings who they are, where they belong and their incredible capacity to positively impact this world.

My writings gives you access to my deepest thoughts and feelings. I hope they provide food for thought, comfort, empowerment, inspiration and anything you may need to embark upon your own journey of self truth.


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